Check back often for important updates or alerts.
1/21/2025-call for nominations-district board election
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please fill out this self-nomination form and return to the office before 3PM on February 28, 2025.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly, to the eligible electors of the STEAMBOAT II METROPOLITAN DISTRICT (“District”) of Routt County, Colorado.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the District will conduct a regular election on the 6th day of May 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, (2) two directors will be elected for a 4-year term expiring in May 2029 and (1) one director will be elected for a 2-year term expiring in May 2027.
In order to be a candidate for one of the director positions, a qualified individual must submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form. Eligible electors of the District interested in serving on the Board of Directors may obtain a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form from the District’s Designated Election Official (DEO):
Michelle Belton, DEO
[email protected]
Steamboat II Metropolitan District
2851 Riverside Plaza Unit 100
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Phone: 970-879-7671
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form must be returned to the Designated Election Official via email by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025. Please email to [email protected]. A Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form that is not sufficient may be amended once at any time before 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025. Earlier submittal is encouraged as the deadline will not permit correcting an insufficient form if received at 3:00 p.m.
Affidavit of Intent To Be A Write-In-Candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the Designated Election Official by the close of business on Monday, March 3, 2025.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an application for an absentee ballot may be filed with the Designated Election Official, at the contact information referenced above, no later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2025.
The crew has worked many hours (and enlisted the help of many volunteers, so thanks to them!) to get the ice rink open this year. Mother Nature simply did not cooperate when we decided to fill the rink and it resulted in a mess that was time consuming to fix. However, it should be open today at 3PM. So grab your skates!
12:00 UPDATE The main has been repaired. 11:00 AM-There is a water main break near Steamboat Drive, Haven Place and North Star Place. It is being repaired now and water should be back on before the end of the day.
The regularly scheduled meeting on September 16, 2024, for the Steamboat II Metropolitan District has been changed. The meeting will now be held on Monday, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024, at 6:00pm at the District office-2851 Riverside Plaza Unit 100 in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Please take Notice that the Board of Directors of the Steamboat II Metropolitan District will, at its regular meeting, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 2024, commencing at 6:00 P.M. at the District’s offices at 2851 Riverside Plaza, Steamboat Springs, consider adjustment of its water and sewer rates, in accord with its authority pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Sec. 32-1-1001.2.
Please take further Notice that the Board will hold a public hearing and accept comments either verbally or in writing at said meeting, and that the Board plans to consider public comments before making a final decision on this matter at the regularly scheduled meeting on OCTOBER 21, 2024. The presentation discussed at the meeting can be found here.
8/19/24-mandatory irrigation shutdown 9/15/24
The Fish Creek Water Treatment Plant will be offline beginning September 16, 2024 so they can complete necessary improvements. Because the Steamboat II Metropolitan District purchases our water from the City of Steamboat and this is our primary source of water, we need to aid in their attempts to conserve water. Please have your irrigation shut down no later than September 15th.
Click here to read the letter from the City of Steamboat.
6/26/24-weed spraying / no dumping / HP lights
Last week our contractor sprayed weeds within the District, as we are obligated to do. Unfortunately, we didn’t have advanced notice from them on when they would be spraying, and we were not able to properly notify you. We have asked our contractor to give us more warning in the future and to put up more signage within the District.
We have noticed an increase in the dumping of private property at the entrance of Steamboat II and urge our residents to refrain from doing so. We try so hard to keep everything looking nice. If you have an item you wish to giveaway, please put it on your own property and dispose/recycle it if it’s not claimed.
The lights at the entrance of Heritage Park are inoperative, due to the construction. The excavator is working to get them repaired, and we expect they’ll be functional again within the next week.
6/17/2024-permanent watering schedule
This is a reminder that we have adopted permanent watering restrictions which are as follows:
No outdoor watering between 10AM – 6PM
No watering on Wednesdays
The following watering schedule is based on the last number of your street address:
Odd -Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
Even – Sunday, Tuesday and Friday
The wells are running and will be for most of the year, but predominantly during June, July and August as we need to supplement during the irrigation season.
We are compiling an email database so that we can keep you apprised of important information. Please email [email protected] to add yourself to the list or call the office at 970-879-7671. Spread the word! Let you neighbors know too! Communication is key!